Pf10 - Ecomondo 2014 - 05-08 novembre 2014


From a series of research papers from around the world and by re-examining the process that our country has implemented and still continues to implement we can affirm that the voyage towards the frontier of the Green Economy has become a dynamic driver capable of contributing to a way out of the current economic situation. Almost a quarter of Italian companies have already invested in recent years or plan to invest in green products and technologies. These investments are destined to make industrial production processes more efficient, to develop more ecologically sustainable products and to underpin the communication and marketing which becomes communication of values and pivotal to a new company identity.

The development of renewable energies, energy saving, and green innovation for products and processes are the foundations for change. In the words of European Commissioner for the Environment Potocnick "renewed European economic growth will depend greatly upon our innovative and creative ability and must be fostered at every level of the active population"

The current production and consumption processes are not sustainable and must be changed. In this context the European Union has decided to act with an objective of green growth which will help us to direct the current economy towards a strong long-term economy by offering concrete business opportunities. It is therefore necessary to build a sustainable industry which has a high innovation content. This change requires the firm cooperation and involvement of all stakeholders. Governments, companies, researchers, and consumers must learn to substitute the provision of raw materials with secondary resources, and to introduce more efficient production processes where the relationship between manufacturer and client is more transparent. We must satisfy our own needs with a lower environmental impact.

Ecomondo brings to the Exhibition the European companies which are working in this direction and has proved itself to be the most highly accredited platform in the Mediterranean Basin for the exploitation and re-use of materials, and owes its success to a sensible and profitable mixture of the commercial dimension and the cultural and techno-scientific dimension, with a large area dedicated to INNOVATION in the sector of the Green Economy.


  • It is the platform of reference for the Mediterranean basin dedicated to the principal European and international strategies for ecological innovation and the transformation of waste into a resource.
  • It is the ideal forum where exhibitor companies can meet competing enterprises, national and international public/private partners and new target clients from industry, services, construction, public service administrations and utilities.
  • It is the most extensive showcase in the whole of the Mediterranean area where the most efficient technical solutions for the correct management and exploitation of waste in all its forms are on display, as well as those for water-saving measures, for the efficient use of waste and raw or secondary materials, and for energy efficiency.
  • It is the principal B2B and R2B meeting point for operators in the Mediterranean Basin where national and international experts can delve into the technical problems linked to the management of waste in the priority industrial sectors (ground, air), environmental protection and restoration, sustainable transport and the technological priorities of smart cities.
  • It is the highly qualified hub for national and international Training - Information - Refresher Courses - Innovation - Research and Development